impression n. 1.印象,感觉;感想,模糊的观念。 2.意见,想法。 3.影响,效果。 4.盖印,印记,压痕。 5.【印刷】印刷,印数,印次,第…版,印刷品;(雕版等的)印图。 6.(牙齿的)印模。 First impressions are most lasting. 〔谚语〕最初的印象最深刻。 be under the impression that 有…这样的想法。 give one's impressions of 陈述自己的意见。 make an impression on sb. 给某人印象,使某人感动。 make no impression on sb. 对某人无影响。 a first impression of 200,000 copies 初版二十万册。 the second impression of the second edition 再版第二次印刷。
His speech made a strong impression on the audience . 他的演说给听众留下了深刻的印象。
The deeds seemed to produce a favorable impression on the president . 文契看来给厅长产生了一个很好的印象。
His columns however made no impression on the 4th indian division . 可是他的纵队对于第四印度师并没有发生影响。
She sensed that what she had just said had made a deep impression on martin . 她感到,自己刚刚说的话对马丁触动很深。
Although she had only met the old man once , he had made an indelible impression on her . 虽然她和那老人只见过一面,可却在她心上留下了不可磨灭的深刻印象。
His theory and his wishes about devoting his future to teaching had made an impression on mrs. yeobright . 他要舍身教育的理论和志愿,已经给了姚伯太太一个深刻的印象了。
But it is certain that its awful indistinctness seemed to produce very little impression on the young sinners . 不过有一点是肯定的,由于它的含意太模糊,好象对那几个小玩童丝毫不起作用似的。
A well-expressed letter makes a far more positive impression on the reader than does an awkwardly phrased, jargon-filled letter . 一封表达贴切的书信对读者产生的印象远比一封词法别扭、废话连篇的书信产生的印象积极得多。
The resulting impression on my mind was not one of much confidence as to the safety of my small isolated force should i suffer a severe setback . 我最终的印象是:如我一旦遭受挫折,绝无一人敢保证我脆弱的孤立部队之安全。